How can I find more balance?

I’m happy with my life overall but feel like I often get overwhelmed and torn between everything I want to do and must do. What would you say are the five most important things I could implement in my life as it is to find more balance?


Hi Claire,

You are not alone! If there was a line of perfect balance, I would say we all walk it like drunken clowns at the circus. But luckily, there are lifelines and rails to keep us from falling. I’ll give you my top 5 tips to help you find more balance. Start imagining what it would feel like to liberate yourself from that ugly I-don’t-want-to-die-if-I-fall-helmet and let your hair flow free

1.     Set boundaries with love!

We live in a world that glorifies people pleasing. We’re expected to be there for everyone – all the time. But if you think of it in terms of haircare, would you ever use one of those “shampoo, conditioner and shower gel all in one bottle”? I didn’t think so. So why are you bending over backwards to become one? It’s time to set some loving boundaries. A common misunderstanding here is that boundaries are hostile and wrong, when in fact it’s the other way around. Boundaries are love! The people in your life want to respect you and honor your boundaries – you just have to let them. And if you find out that they don’t – you just have to let them (go). Allow yourself to speak up, say no and make choices based on your values and needs.

2.     Go to Tibet on a regular basis.

Ok, so I’ve never actually been to Tibet. But it’s not so much the destination as it is the concept. Going to Tibet means giving yourself a break. Pause. Breathe. Allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling, think what you’re thinking and just be with it. In Tibet, you have no phone. There’s nothing you have to do. No place you have to be. No mirror. No boss. It’s just you, the fresh air, no demands and no limits. Make sure to book your daily trip to Tibet and put it in your calendar. It’s not about how long you stay, as long as you go.

3.     Connect to your “why”.

We tend to get somewhat obsessed with the whats and hows in our lives. But have you ever considered your why? Why are you reading this right now? Why are you wearing what you’re wearing? Why have you chosen the people you have in your life? Why do you go to work every day? Your why is your driving force and rooted in your core values.  When you’re in sync with your why, it’s a lot easier to stay motivated. And if you struggle to find your why in some area, get curious about why that is.

4.     Have fun.

Let life entertain you! Only death is dead serious – everything else is just life. Allow yourself to let go and have fun with it. You’ll find that every situation involves some element of humor. But beware, sometimes it might be on your own behalf. Some food for thought: If the situation you’re dealing with at work was an episode in a sit-com, what would you call it? If your date who turned out to look a bit different than on the pictures was a love song, which one would it be?

5.     Practice giving and receiving

If there is one key to living your best life, it’s giving. Give smiles, compliments, knowledge and support whenever you can. When you’ve discovered the magical feeling of giving, it’s also easier to ask for support. You’re actually doing others a favor by letting them be there for you. It’s like breathing in a way. When you’ve exhaled to a point when there’s just no air left, it’s time to inhale. And when your lungs are full, you give the air back. Give and receive as much as you can every day and remember that we’re all in this life together!


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