How can I embrace change?

Ok, so I have to be honest here. I tell everyone, myself included, that I love change. And I really want to grow and embrace positive changes in my life. I wish I was that fearless guy, with a constant BDE (Editor’s note: Big Dick Energy) that never fails me, who eats new challenges for breakfast. However, the ugly truth is that I can find myself procrastinating and postponing taking myself on that change journey. Just thinking about it makes me feel a bit overwhelmed and I can’t seem to harness the strength to take action. Any tips on where and how I can start would help a lot!


Hi Chris,


Good news! You never have to worry about starting the journey, it’s already happening. Think about it - has the world ever stood still? Everything is constantly changing and evolving. Not my X-mas traditions, you might argue. Well, you may dance around the tree like frogs (a swedish thing) at 5 pm, but maybe you’re married this year. Or you have a tan from that dream vacation you finally treated yourself to. Maybe you have a slight feeling of nervous excitement about the job application you sent in just before the holidays.


Nothing is ever exactly the same – you just can’t fight change. And why should you? Change is fabulous! The question is if it’s happening to you or for you? Are you making your own choices? Are you living in alignment with your core values? Start by asking yourself where you want to be five years from now. Who are you being? What are you doing? How are you feeling? If it feels inspiring – start creating a vision board and get excited about the next chapter in your life. It’s yours to fill!


Now that you have your future vision in place, think of one thing you can do today that would move you in that direction. Who knows, maybe it’s hiring a fabulous life coach to support you on your journey!


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